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I am trying to use this script from the script repository: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/enable-mfa-with-phone-number-for-a-user-in-microsoft-365-s686.htm

I have installed Microsoft Graph on the PC that is running the Adaxes Admin Console and have verified the installation, I'm not sure if I just didn't install it correctly because Adaxes Powershell doesn't recognize it.

by (60 points)

1 Answer

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by (298k points)


That is incorrect. As it is mentioned in the script description, the module must be installed on the computer where Adaxes service runs, not on the one where the Administration console is installed. Also, it is a good idea to restart the service after installing the module.


My apologies, I didn't specify that I also run the Adaxes service on the same member server. I restarted it and I'm still getting the same issue.



What command did you use for the module installation?

What exactly do you mean by Adaxes Powershell doesn't recognize it? pelase, describe the issue in all the possible details with live examples and screenshots.

Also, please, check whether the cmdlet is recognized in Windows PowerShell when starting with the credentials of the Adaxes service account (specified during Adaxes installation).


I used the follow command in Windows Powershell:

Install-Module Microsoft.Graph -Scope AllUsers

Using the following command, I can verify that Microsoft Graph is installed on this member server.

Get-InstalledModule Microsoft.Graph


When I run the following code using the "Run a program or PowerShell script" I get the execution error shown under:



I attempted to run it as both the service account and my domain admin account.



As per our check the script should work just fine when the installation of the module is performed using the specified command. Most probably, there is something blocking access for the Adaxes service account to the module. To remedy the issue, try to do the following:

  1. Uninstall the Microsoft.Graph module.
  2. Log in to the computer where Adaxes service runs with the credentials of the Adaxes service account (specified during Adaxes installation).
  3. Install the module using the very same command.
  4. Verify that the corresponding cmdlets (e.g. Conenct-MgGraph) are available in Windows PowerShell.
  5. Restart Adaxes service.
  6. Check whether the issue persists.

Thank you, these steps resolved this issue in particular, but the script still isn't working because I was receiving the following error:


I found another article and after adding the following line to the script, it changed this error into another error, which is where I'm stuck now.

$token = $token | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force

Below is the new error I'm receiving, do you know what may be causing it?




The error is returned by Microsoft 365 and is not related to Adaxes or the script. Most probably, it has something to do with the Azure app lacking specific permissions. For more details, we recommend you to contact with Microsoft support.


Disregard. I figured it out.

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