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When trying to change the scheduled run time for two older tasks I get the error "Requested Service not found" when I click on the "Change schedule" link. It works fine from the Admin Console on the server, but I get this error from the Admin Console on my client computer. The server Console uses the primary admin account to connect. My client Console uses my current logged on user account which is added as an Administrators account. Is this just a permissions issue or is there something else going on?


by (50 points)

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by (298k points)
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Hello Dan,

Is this just a permissions issue or is there something else going on?

No, the issue is not related to permissions granted to the user.

Probably, you restarted Adaxes service while Administration Console was launched on your client computer. Also, connection could be closed if Administration Console was not restarted for a long time. To remedy the issue, you need to refresh connection to Adaxes service. To do so:

  1. In the Console Tree, select the Adaxes service node.
  2. Press F5.

That worked. Thanks.


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