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I have an OU structure as follows:

|- Servers
   |- A
   |- B
   |- C
|- Computers
|  |- A Phase 1
|  |- A Phase 2
|  |- A Phase 3
|  |- B Phase 1
|  |- B Phase 2
|  |- B Phase 3
|  |- C Phase 1
|  |- C Phase 2
|  |- C Phase 3
|- Users
    |- Company Team A
    |- Company Team B
    |- Company Team C

I would like to make a dynamic business unit that has the servers in OUs Computer/Servers/[A, B, C] (there are about 10) that users in their respective User groups under Groups/Users/[Company Team A, Company Team B, Company Team C].

They should be able to add and remove comptuter objects into the respective Computer groups under Groups/Computers/[A Phase {1-3}, B Phase {1-3}, C Phase {1-3}] (there are about 40).

I'd rather not have to make these each by hand, and would instead like to use templating as the naming scheme is fairly standard. Is this doable, and if so, can you guide me on the right path?

by (60 points)

1 Answer

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by (292k points)

Hello Bennett,

Unfortunately, there is no such possibility. The thing is that when a member is added/removed from a group, it is the group being updated, not the member. As such, you can only grant the permissions to manage membership of a group, but not for the objects that can be added. As an option, you can use a business rule triggering Before adding or removing a member from a group that will cancel the operation based on certain conditions.


Am I able to get partway there, or will I need to do this all statically?


Hello Bennett,

It will all have to be static. Dynamic business units can only be used for viewing and in assignments of security roles.

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