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Dear Reader, Currently we have Adaxes installed to manage mostly the on-premises user base. However some activities are extended to Office 365.

Here we notice that Adaxes installed a account called "Softerra Adaxes" of the type: service priciple in the Global Administrator group in Azure. Recently we implemented Azure PIM and we're not alowed to have any account with direct access to global admin privlidges then the emergency break glass account.

Basically the question is if we could remove this account from the global admin group and when we do so how will this affect Adaxes?

Thanks in advance, Maarten

by (20 points)

1 Answer

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by (287k points)

Hello Maarten,

First of all, it is recommended to use an Entra (former Azure AD) app for your Microsoft 365 tenant registration in Adaxes instead of a user account. For details, see https://www.adaxes.com/help/RegisterAdaxesAsAppMicrosoftAzure. If you still want to keep a user account, you can revoke the Global Admin role, but you will have to assign both the User Administrator and Exchange Administrator roles.

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