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I would like to ensure that before a computer object is moved in Adaxes, the user must enter a ticket number, and after the input, the PC is moved to the selected Active Directory OU and an email with the ticket number is automatically sent. The same should happen if the user wants to delete a computer object.

How can I configure a buisness rule to prompts the user to enter a ticket number before the move/delete operation?

Kind regards, Fabian

by (380 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (15.2k points)

Hello Fabian,

Business rules do not provide the ability to interact with users. To achieve the required, you can use custom commands with parameters. In this case, the parameters will be set as required and the command will not be executed unless users provide values for the parameters. Then the actions in the command will perform the required operation (e.g. move or delete the computer object) and send an email with the required information. For details on how to create custom commands, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/help/CreateCustomCommand. For example, the custom command that moves a computer to the selected container should look like this:


To prevent users from performing the move and delete operations directly on objects, you can deny corresponding permissions and allow users to execute custom commands. For information on how to grant rights to execute custom commands, have a look at this tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/help/GrantRightsToExecuteCustomCommands.


Thank you for your fast reply. It seems to work. How can I add in the subject of my email the computerobject name?



You can use one of the following to refer to the name of the computer object --





You can reference any object property using value references. For details, have a look at the following help article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/ValueReferences.



how can I prevent, that they can move computerobjets with the custom command to a specific OU? I have assigned the security role on the OUs they can move computers to.

2024-04-19 14_56_31-Farm_HOL - tsweb.rubner.com - Remotedesktopverbindung.png

Is there a solution? Currently they can move computerobjets to every OU.


Hello Fabian,

Unfortunately, there is no possibility to disallow moving the computer objects to certain OUs using security roles when executing a custom command. The OUs specified in the assignments of the security role determine on which objects the custom command can be executed. As an option, you can configure the custom command parameter used to select the destination OU by allowing only the required OUs in the criteria.


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