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I'm trying to fully automate the deployment of Adaxes (using windows DSC ressources). I was able to setup servers with only the front-end features, but cannot do for the backend.

my current setup:

        Package Adaxes
            Name = "Softerra Adaxes 2017.1"
            Path = "\\#CENSORED#\Adaxes\adaxes_x64_en.msi"
            ProductId = "755CBAA0-36F1-43D1-96CF-1DEE2F7A9384"
            Arguments = "ADDLOCAL=AdminConsoleFeature,ServiceFeature"
            Credential = $ServiceCreds
            LogPath = "C:\windows\temp\msilog.log"
            Ensure = 'Present'

The install is failing when setting up the AD LDS service, because I don't enter the credential for it:

MSI (s) (1C!CC) [10:59:03:166]: Product: Softerra Adaxes 2017.1 -- Failed to install the service AD LDS instance.
The value entered for Administrator is not a valid user account. In the unattended setup file, type a valid user account in the Administrator field, and then run Setup again.

Failed to install the service AD LDS instance.
The value entered for Administrator is not a valid user account. In the unattended setup file, type a valid user account in the Administrator field, and then run Setup again.
InstallAdamInstance: Error 0x80074e34: Failed to install an ADAM instance.

i tried to add the user/password by settings properties from this list: ADMADMINPWD;AdmGetServiceConfigIdUIPassword;AdmGetServiceConfigIdUIUser;ADMREPLACCPWD;AdmSelectServiceDlgPassword;AdmSelectServiceDlgUser;GetConfigIdForWebUIPassword;InstallAdamInstance as command line parameter, but they are not taken into account.

any idea how to do it? can i give it a config file? another parameter name? I couldn't find any relevant information in the forum or online about giving the credentials to the installer...

by (100 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Best answer

Hello Thomas,

The following command line installs Adaxes Service and Administration Console:

msiexec /quiet /i "\\SERVER\Share\adaxes_x64_en.msi" ^
ADDLOCAL=ServiceFeature,AdminConsoleFeature ADMCFGTYPE=0 ^
ADMSERVICEADMINSID="S-1-5-21-1234567890-1234567890-1234567890-1111" ^


  • \\SERVER\Share\adaxes_x64_en.msi - the full path to the installation package;
  • EXAMPLE\Administrator - username of Adaxes service default service administrator in the DOMAIN\Username or username@domain.com format;
  • p@$$w0rd - password of Adaxes service default service administrator;
  • S-1-5-21-1234567890-1234567890-1234567890-1111 - SID of Adaxes service default service administrator in the SDDL form.

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