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Hello Adaxes Support,

is there any way you could help me with a script that changes the permissions on a users home folder?

I need to remove the permission to delete the folder and add the permission to delete subfolders and files.

by (280 points)

Are you mapping directly to the users home folder, or are they mapped to a folder that has all the home folders in it.

For example: the top directory is HOME

The users directory is: UserA

Are you mapping to \home? or \HOME\UserA?

In our enviorment, we map directory to the Users Directory. For the HOME folder. for all users is Read & Execute, List Folder Conents, and Read for ALLOW.

Then when the users folder is created, they get full access to their folder.

So in other words, they don't see HOME or their folder, just the contents of their folder. Limit what they see goes along ways.

1 Answer

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by (296k points)

Hello Dominik,

Unfortunately, that is not something we can assist you with as the task lies outside of Adaxes. At the same time, the following script from our repository should be helpful: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/grant-access-to-user-s-home-folder-s15.htm.

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