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I am using this script found in the repository to remove the permissions for Adaxes service administrators from a newly provisioned user home directory: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/remove-permissions-for-adaxes-default-service-administrator-to-access-user-s-home-directory-s316.htm

How can I change this script so that it will set the owner of the folder to the Administrators group as opposed to the Adaxes service administrator account?

Also to note, we are using a DFS namespace, so the folder path is similar to \ \domain.domain.com\ServerName\Users

by (320 points)


Sorry for the confusion, but we are not sure what exactly you mean by Administrators group. Is it just an existing AD security group that should always be set as owner of the target user home directory? Please, describe the desired behaviour in all the possible details with live examples.


Hello Support,

I actually managed to answer this myself after some troubleshooting.

My original question, when Adaxes creates a homedrive for a user, the Adaxes Service Administrator is set as the owner of the home directory. In my case, this was not desired behaviour.

By modifying the script, I was able to make it so that after the permissions get cleaned up in the script, the owner of the folder is changed from the Adaxes service administrator to the BUILTIN\Administrators group of the respective file server the folder resides on. Initially, I was getting an error in doing this. The Adaxes account required rights to "Restore files and directories" in order to change the owner to the desired account.


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