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Is there a way to export mailboxes to individual PST files 180 days after the account was set to expire?


by (650 points)

I like this idea. I'd be interested as well.

At the very least it seems very possible but I do not know how to have Adaxes look at accounts specifically 180 days or older.

https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/o ... o-f45b9636

The support team has been great in creating scripts for me so I'm sure it's just a matter of time before they respond to you.

1 Answer

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by (298k points)
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Best answer


Yes, it is possible. To achieve this, use a Scheduled Task and the following scripts from our repository: http://www.adaxes.com/script-repository ... t-s497.htm. To create the Scheduled Task:

  1. Launch Adaxes Administration Console
  2. Right-click your Adaxes service node, navigate to New and click Scheduled Task.
  3. On step 3 of the Create Scheduled Task wizard, select User Object type and click Next.
  4. Click Add Action and select Run a program or Powershell script.
  5. Enter a short description and paste the Initiate Mailbox Export script into the Script field.
  6. Click OK and double-click Always.
  7. Select If account/password <expiration status>.
  8. Select If account expired more than 180 days ago and click OK.
  9. Right-click the condition and click Add Action.
  10. Select Update the User and click Add.
  11. In the Property to modify drop-down menu, select CustomAttributeBoolean1. The property is used to detect whether mailbox export was initiated.
  12. Select Update value.
  13. Select True in the New value field and click OK twice.
  14. Right-click the condition again and click Add New Condition.
  15. Select If <property><relation><value>.
  16. Select If CustomAttributeBoolean1 does not equal True and click OK.
  17. Click Add action to a new set.
  18. Select Run a program or Powershell script.
  19. Enter a short description and paste the Track Mailbox Export Process script into the Script field.
  20. Click OK and double-click Always.
  21. Select If <property><relation><value>.
  22. Select If CustomAttributeBoolean1 equals True and click OK.
  23. Right-click the condition and click Add New Condition.
  24. Select If <property><relation><value>.
  25. Select If CustomAttributeText1 is not empty and click OK.
  26. Right-click the condition again and click Add Action.
  27. Select Update the User and click Add.
  28. In the Property to modify drop-down menu, select CustomAttributeBoolean1.
  29. Select Remove property and click OK twice.
  30. Click Next and finish creating the Scheduled Task. You should have something like the following:


If I want to remove the Exchange mailbox after successful export, how should that look?




To do this:

  1. Open the Track Mailbox Export Process script.

  2. Find the following lines:

     # Remove export request ID
     $Context.TargetObject.Put($requestIdProperty, $NULL)
  3. Insert the following line immediately before the lines you've found:

  4. Save the changes. You should have something like the following:

             # Remove export request ID
             $Context.TargetObject.Put($requestIdProperty, $NULL)

Is there any way to do this with Office 365?



Have a look at the following post on our forum: Office 365 Mailbox PST.


If I want to allow upto 10 failed messages in the export, how can this be done? Currently I got a bunch of mailboxes that keep on looping around and around in exporting, due to the fact that they fail in the end.

The 10 failed messages Is from if you migrate a mailbox you can allow certain amount of failed messages. Can such a thing be done for failed exports? Or just allow it in the first try.

Or if its not possible, prevent ADAxess from resubmitting the same request again or detecting failure and remove & email admin for manual export.



Hello Kaj,

If I want to allow upto 10 failed messages in the export, how can this be done?

You need to modify the Initiate Mailbox Export script. Set the second parameter of the CreateMailboxExportRequest method to 10:

# Create mailbox export request
$requestId = $Context.TargetObject.CreateMailboxExportRequest($filePath, 10, 0)

Or if its not possible, prevent ADAxess from resubmitting the same request again or detecting failure and remove & email admin for manual export.

When export fails, an email notification is sent and the property specified in the $requestIdProperty variable of the Track Mailbox Export Process script is cleared. To avoid another export attempt you can use another Boolean property (e.g. set CustomAttributeBoolean2 to False in the script) to detect mailboxes for which export failed and add the corresponding condition to the Scheduled Task. In this case the notification recipient will understand that they need to proceed with manual export.

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