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Is it possible during a custom command to prompt input from the user initiating the command and to take a different action depending on their answer?

For example, during user deprovisioning, asking if the deprivisioned user requires a custom automatic relpy:

If Yes - provide the automatic reply text If No - proceed with predetermined reply text.


by (720 points)

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by (298k points)
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Yes, it is possible. That is where you use a Checkbox parameter and the If <parameter> <value> condition. image.png For details on how to use/create parameters, see step 5 of the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/help/CreateCustomCommand.


Thank you.

Is there a way to allow the user running the custom command to input the text for auto-replies if that parameter is checked?

For example, the user is presented the choice via the parameter. If the user chooses "custom reply" they would then be presented the auto-reply input boxes in order to format and save and apply the auto-replies?

Another variable I'd like to do is to present the user with a choice of who to have emails forwarded to. Which I've set a parameter for picking an object from the directory. But it's not clear how I can pass the email address of the user object. I assume I have to pass the variable via a script, but if there is a way to do it with an action I'd prefer to do that, but I haven't seen or found that yet.




For example, the user is presented the choice via the parameter. If the user chooses "custom reply" they would then be presented the auto-reply input boxes in order to format and save and apply the auto-replies?

Unfortunately, there is no such possibility. However, thank you for the suggestion. We forwarded it to the corresponding department for consideration.

But it's not clear how I can pass the email address of the user object.

You do not need to pass an email address here. It can be the object selected in the parameter itself. As such, you can just set the parameter value reference as template for the option:



Thank you for the information. I do not see where in actions I have the ability to forward an email or delivery options. Obviously it's there I am just having a super hard time locating it as an available action.

Everything else makes sense.

Is it possible to make parameters dependent on other parameters? For example, If two parameters are set up. If the first paramater checkbox is not seleted then you wouldn't see the second parameter. However, if it is checked, then the second parameter would appear requiring input. Just curious.

Thanks so much for all the help.



I do not see where in actions I have the ability to forward an email or delivery options. Obviously it's there I am just having a super hard time locating it as an available action.

Have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/help/AutomateExchangeMailboxConfiguration.

Is it possible to make parameters dependent on other parameters?

As it was mentioned in the previous post, there is no such possibility. Unfortunately, there is no way to make one parameter dependent on another at all.


Have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/help/AutomateExchangeMailboxConfiguration.

Perfect, I knew I was just looking past it. Thank you so much.

As it was mentioned in the previous post, there is no such possibility. Unfortunately, there is no way to make one parameter dependent on another at all.

Understood, just wanted to make sure I understood fully.

As always, appreciate all the team there does.

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