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Please reference https://www.adaxes.com/questions/749/find-managed-object-on-deprovision

Looking for a script that will show if the person being deprovisioned is an 'Approver' for any objects, and will generate an email to notify that the objects need a new approver. The above question is similar but is quite old and I don't believe works anymore.

by (80 points)

1 Answer

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by (298k points)


The question you referenced is only about checking whether the target user is a manager or owner of any other account. It has nothing to do with approval requests. If that is exactly what you want, the script from the question works just fine.


Thanks for confirming, I am looking for a script that will check if the user being deprovisioned is set as an 'Approver' and generate a notification email.



What exactly do you mean by Approver in this case?


In this case I'm talking about a user that has been assigned as an approver for an action. For example, adding a user to a group via the "Add the user to a group" action.




Thank you for clarifying. Unfortunately, there is no such possibility. However, thank you for the suggestion. We forwarded it to the corresponding department for consideration.


Thank you for your assistance. Would this be possible another way?



Sorry for the confusion, but we meant that there is generally no possibility to check whether a user is approver.

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