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I have a custom action that should change a users primary email address. It has a custom value called "new primary email address" at the end of the command I want to clear this variable out and set it to null/blank again. As seen in the sceen shot below the last set is to clear the value, but when I run it the value still remains.. is there another way I should be setting this value back to null/blank




by (160 points)

1 Answer

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by (298k points)


Do we understand correctly that it is a business rule triggering After updating a user? If so, there are a few things missing. First of all, you should never remove the If operation succeeded condition from any action set in any business rule triggering after an operation. This way you will make sure that the corresponding actions are not executed in case the initial operation fails. Also, you need to make sure that the rule in question only triggers when the New Primary Email Address property is set to a certain value. Lastly, you should use a dedicated action for updating Exchange properties. Finally, the business rule should look like the following:

image.png Once done, make sure that the Activity Scope is set properly. If left empty, the business rule will never trigger.


Sorry, I can provide more background info. Im creating a form, this is to convert a user from contractor to full time employee part of the process is changing the users principal name and e-mail address - the above takes place BEFORE changing a username. All of the task work properly except the clearing of the New Primary Email Address, that doesn't clear out. Thanks for the info about exchange settings but my Powershell script works without a problem changing the ADSI information for on-prem AD. I'm just confused as to why the New Primary Email address doesn't clear out after the other parts of the rule run.

The contractor2FTE flag clears as it should but not the new primary email address


Should I seperate them? image.png



Should I seperate them?

It does not matter. Either way should work just fine.

All of the task work properly except the clearing of the New Primary Email Address

For troubleshooting purposes, please, provide us with a full screenshot of the execution log. For details on how to view it, see https://www.adaxes.com/help/ViewOperationsPerformedViaAdaxes. You can post the screenshot here or send to us at support@adaxes.com.

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