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I couldn't get my head arround on making a condition "when mailbox is on Premise" to migrate it to the cloud.
Looking at account details Adaxes shows either a mailbox database or "Office 365" in mailbox location field. Can I query that somehow? Powershell?

by (760 points)

1 Answer

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by (280k points)
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This can be done using two conditions: If has an Exchange mailbox and If PowerShell script returns true. For example, you can create a Scheduled task like the following:

  1. Launch Adaxes Administration Console.

  2. Right-click your Adaxes service node, navigate to New and click Scheduled Task.

  3. On step 3 of Create Scheduled Task wizard select User Object type and click Next.

  4. Click Add Action.

  5. Select Run a program or Powershell script.

  6. Enter a short description and paste your script into the Script field.

  7. Click OK and double-click Always.

  8. Select If has an Exchange mailbox and click OK.

  9. Right-click the condition you have created and click Add New Condition.

  10. Select If PowerShell script returns true.

  11. Paste the script below into the Script field.

     $Context.ConditionIsMet = $Context.TargetObject.RecipientLocation -eq "ADM_EXCHANGERECIPIENTLOCATION_ONPREMISE"
  12. Enter a short description and click OK.

  13. Click Next and finish creating the Scheduled Task. You should have something like the following:

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