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Is there a way to change the security questions for the self-service password recovery? We need them in german and I just can't find a way to change them...

On a side note: I love the great customizability in Adaxes! Been playing around with it for a while now and always found a way to adjust it to our needs :D


by (100 points)

1 Answer

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by (287k points)
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Best answer

Hello Yannik,

Yes, it is possible. The language of security questions depends on the language of Adaxes you have installed (German or English). If you need to have German questions in a Password Self-Service Policy for English version of Adaxes:

  1. Launch Adaxes Administration Console.

  2. In the Console Tree, navigate to Configuration\Password Self-Service and select Policies.

  3. In the Result Pane, right-click the policy you need and click Edit.

  4. Click Edit Questions.

  5. Delete all the questions from the list.

  6. Click the down arrow embedded into the Add button.

  7. Click Select from Predefined Questions.

  8. Select Deutsch question set.

  9. Select checkboxes for the questions you need and click Add.

  10. Click OK twice.


Great, thank you! I was pretty sure you guys included it but I just couldn't find it :roll:

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