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We have a need to create users in Adaxes and assign a E1 license, that dosent contain the Yammer service...

I have no problem creating the user and assigning the E1 license - that works fine - but how can I assign an E1 license, and at the same time disable the Yammer service/license (which is a part of the standard E1)

Is that possible?

Thanks in advance!

by (500 points)

1 Answer

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by (285k points)
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Best answer


Currently, it is not possible to enable/disable specific Office 365 services when assigning licenses. The feature will be available in Adaxes 2018.2.

For now, you can only configure Office 365 services for the tenant globally. It means, that if a service is disabled for a license in tenant settings, it will never be enabled when assigning the license. For details, see https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_Active ... htm#tenant.


Ok thanks!

Do you have any idea when 2018.2 will be available ?



Release of Adaxes 2018.2 is planned for the end of October.



Adaxes 2018.2 is now available for download!

What's New

Download Adaxes 2018.2

Upgrade Instructions


Thanks! :)

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