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I'm probably over thinking this, so I'm hoping to get some clarity. But we've had an issue for a while and I can't get my head around it.

When we create a new user, the remote mailbox is created in our on prem environment and syncs to office 365 with dirsync.

We then need to assign a licence, which we use the adaxes licence option when the account is created, which works great.

The account is initially created with a remote rotuting address of $username@ourtenantname.mail.onmicrosoft.com.

The onprem then applies the required exchange policy and sets the primary SMTP (we have 2 in our company based on a specific field being set to a specific value), the onprem AD naturally updates the User Logon Name in the onprem AD. But it doesn't replicate to O365.

In fact the UPN on O365 will be samaccountname@primarydomain.com as the exchange policies obviously aren't applied at O365 level, they are assigned by the onprem exchange.

My guess is that it's because once the licence is assigned DirSync will not change the primary UPN.

So how do I work around this?What's best practise? I thought about excluding hybrid mode completely and ignoring the onprem exchange, from limited testing, the onprem exchange isn't needed for most of our environment now that we're Windows 10/11.

Thanks, Gary

by (490 points)

1 Answer

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by (298k points)

Hello Gary,

Excluding the hybrid environment should work just fine. However, if you need to have remote mailboxes, there is no need to use scripts and wait for the synchronization. Adaxes can automatically enable a remote mailbox when a Microsoft 365 license with access to Exchange Online is assigned to a user. As such, on the next run DirSync will just match the cloud and on-premises account together. For details about the settings, have a look at the following help article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/EnablingDisablingRemoteMailboxes.


Thanks for the response, and yeah we're looking to potentially phase out the onprem exchange, if it's possible. A lot of testing between then and now.

As a follow up though, how would you recommend managing UPNs? DirSync doesn't appear to change the UPN once it's licenced - which I don't understand at all.

So we need an external process to trigger it, I've got a couple of different scripts, but they seem to occassionally fail stating "Access is denied" but work when run manually.


Hello Gary,

Thanks for the response, and yeah we're looking to potentially phase out the onprem exchange, if it's possible. A lot of testing between then and now.

If you do not need remote mailboxes, just disable the corresponding feature in Adaxes (you can follow the steps from the help article we referenced in the previous email) and remove scripts, if any, accordingly. The Activate Microsoft 365 account action should create users with proper UPNs.

As a follow up though, how would you recommend managing UPNs? DirSync doesn't appear to change the UPN once it's licenced - which I don't understand at all.

That looks to be about your DirSync settings. It might happen so that users in question are not included into the scope in the tool settings.

So we need an external process to trigger it, I've got a couple of different scripts, but they seem to occassionally fail stating "Access is denied" but work when run manually.

If you are using some external scripts, the error is probably related to the account whose credentials you use to authenticate. By permissions here we mean those in Microsoft 365.

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