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We have scripts that rely on "is inactive"condition to process.I noticed that when editing a user, the "Last Logon" value is the one in the attribute "Last-Logon-Timestamp".
But the value closer to the last user logon time is the one in the attribute "Last Logon".
it seems that "user is inactive" condition of Adaxes look at Last-Logon-Timestamp".
If true, it is an issue because there is a several days difference between both attributes.

is that correct?


by (1.1k points)

1 Answer

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by (280k points)
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To check if a user is inactive the Last-Logon-Timestamp / Last Logon and Password Last Set properties are used. Unlike Last Logon, the Last-Logon-Timestamp property is replicated and that is why they can have different values. In case of the If is inactive <period> condition, it is checked whether the values of Last-Logon-Timestamp / Last Logon and Password Last Set are within the specified period. So there should be no issues using the condition to check whether a user is inactive.

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