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I have a custom attribute for new hire start date with the following configuration :

When i retrieve the attribute it is always returned as the day before, as an example here is a user for whom the start date is 28th of November, this is also how it displays in the user properties :

If I get the start date custom attribute in a powershell script though, for some reason, it gets the date as the day before :

I am having trouble understanding why it is returned like that, I could counter it by using .AddDays on the datetime variable i guess but would like to understand what is going on here, any input would be appreciated.

by (240 points)

1 Answer

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by (12.2k points)
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Adaxes Administration Console always displays date attribute values in local date/time format. But when the values are queried via a PowerShell script they are returned in UTC format. In the provided example the CustomAttributeDate1 property value is 10/27/2019 11:00 PM UTC which is 10/28/2019 12:00 AM in your local time. In the console, the time part is omitted when it is set to 12:00 AM this is why the attribute value is displayed as 10/28/2019.

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