0 votes

Ive developed a powershellscript that is able to add this functionality, feel free to improve or use.

Iv'e used the msExchExtensionCustomAttribute3 and then renamed the attribute in Adaxes to "Full Mailbox Access". Also it uses samAccountName as user identifier, you could also implement adaxes module, but Im more comfy with MS modules.

There is no sync with the regular exchange management list of full mailbox access and the attributes list, and I intended to to this only because I didnt want to wait til the next adaxes update with better exchange support.

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010
import-module activedirectory

if ($Context.IsPropertyModified("msExchExtensionCustomAttribute3"))

    $OldAccessList  = Get-ADUser -identity %sAMAccountName% -properties "msExchExtensionCustomAttribute3"  | Select-Object msExchExtensionCustomAttribute3
    $NewAccessList = $Context.GetModifiedPropertyValues("msExchExtensionCustomAttribute3");

    foreach ($account in $OldAccessList.msExchExtensionCustomAttribute3)

        if ($newAccessList -notcontains $account -and (Get-ADUser -Filter {samAccountName -eq $account}) -ne $NULL)
             $CurrentUser = Get-ADUser -Identity %sAMAccountName% | Select-Object DistinguishedName, SamAccountName
            $SamId = Get-Mailbox -identity $account  | Select-Object DistinguishedName, SamAccountName, PrimarySMTPAddress
            Remove-ADPermission -Identity $CurrentUser.DistinguishedName -User $SamId.DistinguishedName -InheritanceType 'All' -ExtendedRights 'send-as' -Confirm:$false
            Remove-MailboxPermission -Identity $CurrentUser.DistinguishedName -User $SamId.DistinguishedName -AccessRight FullAccess -Confirm:$false
            $Context.LogMessage("Removed FullMailboxAccess to" + ": " + $account, "Information")


        else {}


    if ($NewAccessList -ne $NULL)

            foreach ($account in $NewAccessList)

                   # Check if samAccountName Exists in AD. If not, Cancel Edit.              
                   if((Get-ADUser -f {samAccountName -eq $account}) -eq $NULL) 

                      $Context.Cancel("Following account does not exist: " + $account);

                 if ($OldAccessList.msExchExtensionCustomAttribute3 -notcontains $account -and (Get-ADUser -Filter {samAccountName -eq $account}) -ne $NULL)

                    $CurrentUser = Get-ADUser -Identity %sAMAccountName% | Select-Object DistinguishedName, SamAccountName
                    $SamId = Get-Mailbox -identity $account  | Select-Object DistinguishedName, SamAccountName, PrimarySMTPAddress

                            Add-MailboxPermission -Identity $CurrentUser.DistinguishedName -User $SamId.DistinguishedName -AccessRight FullAccess -InheritanceType All
                            Add-ADPermission -Identity $CurrentUser.DistinguishedName -User $SamId.DistinguishedName -Extendedrights "Send As"
                            $Context.LogMessage("Added FullMailboxAccess to" + ": " + $SamId.SamAccountName, "Information")



by (20 points)

1 Answer

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by (18.0k points)


Thank you for sharing the script. We really appreciate it!


Starting from Adaxes 2013.1, Adaxes allows you to grant the Full Access permission for a mailbox using the built-in functionality.

In the Administration Console:

In the Web Interface.

Also, you can grant rights other than Full Access, for example, Send As or Send on Behalf Of.

With Adaxes Business Rules. Custom Commands and Scheduled Tasks, you can grant rights for a mailbox automatically, using the Modify Exchange Properties action. For more details, see Example 10 in the Automate Exchange Mailbox Configuration Tutorial.

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