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I've added values to two attributes of an Oraganization Unit:

I'm trying to extract these properties with a powershell script (this is to update the users email address based on a parent OU i a managed domain):

Import-Module Adaxes

$username = "user@domain.com"
$password = "password"
$domain = "domain.com"
$passwordSecure = ConvertTo-SecureString $password -AsPlainText -Force
$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($username, $passwordSecure)
$email=Get-AdmObject -Credential $credential -Server $domain -Identity 'OU=%extensionAttribute1%,DC=domain,DC=com' | FL adm-CustomAttributeText1

Set-AdmUser -Identity $User -Credential $credential -EmailAddress %firstname%.%lastname%@$email -Server $domain

But this does not provide the value set in adm-CustomAttributeText1.

Any ideas?

by (960 points)


Can you describe in more detail what should the script do?

Also, are you trying to launch the script from Adaxes (with a Business Rule, Custom Command or Scheduled Task) or from the PowerShell console?


We are testing to see if Adaxes can be used in a multi-tennant solution. Therefore we want the user creation part to be "idiot-proof".

The script is put in a Business rule that launches after the user has been created. The script should then read the property adm-customAttributeText1 from the Customername ou (the user is created under Doman.local\Hosting\Customername\Users), and update the users email address to be %firstname%.%lastname%@ + the value of adm-customAttributeText1.

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Best answer

Here's the script that matches your requirements:

$ouDN = "OU=%extensionAttribute1%,DC=domain,DC=com" # TODO: modify me

# TODO: bind to the OU
    $ou = $Context.BindToObjectByDN($ouDN)
    $Context.LogMessage("$ouDN was not found", "Error") # TODO: Modify me

# Get domain part of the email from adm-CustomAttributeText1
    $emailDomainPart = $ou.Get("adm-CustomAttributeText1")

    $Context.LogMessage("The CustomAttributeText1 property of %extensionAttribute1% is empty", "Error") # TODO: Modify me

# Set Email property
$Context.TargetObject.Put("mail", "%firstname%.%lastname%@$emailDomainPart")

By the way, thank you for your interest in our product. :)


Fantastic! Script worked perfectly :)

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