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I wanted to contribute something back to the forums since I am always asking so many questions. I was able to find the answer on my own after I searched the forums/site without finding anything.

I was looking to change the Welcome message on the login page which said "Welcome to Softerra Adaxes 2011.1". I was able to find the localization file which is under

C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3\Web Interface\Admin\App_GlobalResources\Strings.resx

This file has all the associated data for language settings. The setting I was looking for was

<data name="WelcomeTemplate" xml:space="preserve">
     <value>Welcome to XYZ Company's Self Service Portal</value>

Hope this helps some one in the future!

by (80 points)

Thank you very much for this post!

1 Answer

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by (18.0k points)

In the next version this setting will be available in the Web Interface Customization tool.


I'm going forward on that topic as i would like to translate specific actions we have in our Web interface (create user with a specic form). Is it possible ? Also, i noticed that "Manage Group Membership" action is not translated in French.

Thanks in advance



Yes, it is possible to translate Home Page actions. For more details, please see Configure Home Page Actions.

Also, i noticed that "Manage Group Membership" action is not translated in French.

There is no built-in "Manage Group Membership" action. It means that you created the action by yourself and specified English texts for it. You can also translate the action by editing it in the Web Interface Configuration Tool.


Yes you're right, this is a custom action.
But i cannot see how to translate a custom action, i mean, how to provide text for both english and french languages (i double checked the tutorial).


Unfortunately currently it is impossible.

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