0 votes

Adaxes really needs this i.e. "Here's this list of 20 users can you add them to the Marketing group" - right now you have to do them one at a time which is a real kludge.

I'm assuming it's in the pipeline just wondered if there's any timescale please?

We're on 2013.2 if I'm just not seeing it.

Thanks :)

by (240 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
by (216k points)


We've discussed this with our team and decided to implement such functionality in Adaxes 2014.1 that will be available by the end of February. Thanks for the suggestion!


Perfect - thank you :)


will this also work the other way as well...

I have a user that needs to be added to multiple groups.

Glad to here of the update, any other highlights from update?



will this also work the other way as well...
I have a user that needs to be added to multiple groups.

Yes, this will also be available.

Glad to here of the update, any other highlights from update?

The new release will be focused around Office 365 and Exchange Online support:

  1. Possibility to activate and deactivate accounts in Office 365 for users.
  2. Possibility to grant and revoke Office 365 licenses.
  3. Possibility to edit Exchange properties for mailboxes, mail-enabled users, contacts and groups hosted in hybrid environments.
  4. Support for multiple tenants in Office 365.

Office 365 automation:

  1. Possibility to perform any of the above tasks from Business Rules, Custom Commands and Scheduled Tasks.
  2. New Condition: If licensed for Office 365. It will be possible to check whether a user is licensed for Office 365 and whether a user is granted a specific Office 365 license.
  3. New triggering operation: Before/After Modifying Office 365 properties.

Web Interface enhancements:
It will be possible to customize, how the following property types are displayed in the Web interface:

  1. Account Options property
  2. Boolean properties
  3. DN syntax properties

For more details, see 2014.1.

Administration Console enhancements:

  1. It will be possible to add custom columns to Active Directory object lists (in the Result Pane, Basket and Search).
  2. It will be possible to sort and filter by any column.
  3. The available columns and the sorting/filtering options will be stored for each container separately.
  4. Object properties that have many values will be grouped for easier viewing.


  1. It will be possible to set the User must change password at next logon Account Option via Property Patterns.
  2. Support for Windows Server 2012 R2 Operating System, will be added. Also, Adaxes will support the Windows Server 2012 R2 domain and forest functional level.
  3. minor bug fixes and improvements.


Yesterday, we released Adaxes 2014.1. In this version, we've added the capability to add members to groups in bulk. The Add to Group and Add Members operations are available when browsing Active Directory, in search results, AD reports, Basket, Members and Member Of sections.

You can download the latest build here.

Upgrade Instructions.

For a complete list of new features and improvements, see What's New.

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