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Whenever i use exchange cmdlets through remote powershell from a script launched by Adaxes, i get this warning message in the execution log:

"Some imported command names include unapproved verbs which might make them less discoverable. Use the Verbose parameter for more detail or type Get-Verb to see the list of approved verbs."
EDIT: This was fixed by adding -DisableNameChecking to the Import-Pssession when connecting to Exchange Servers

Also, when trying to set exchance permissions through a script, i get this error:
"Database is mandatory on UserMailbox. Property Name: Database"
This does not occur when using the exact same command directly in the exchange management shell on the server, or when doing this manually through remote powershell.
EDIT: This was also fixed by adding -DisableNameChecking to the Import-Pssession when connecting to Exchange Servers

Also, when copiyng users, the group membership is NOT copied (yes, the "Copy group membership" is selected)
EDIT: This was fixed by adding -AllowClobber to the Import-Pssession when connecting to Lync Servers

This was NOT present before the upgrade, and the scripts has not changed

EDIT: It seem all my problems were solved now. I won't delete the post, should anyone else experience these problems.

by (960 points)

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