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Is there an alternative way to do a 2 factor authentication for password resets other than SMS?

My company is starting to implement Google Authenticator or other time-based authenticators and we were wondering if it'd be possible in a future release to implement that instead of just SMS.

I realize it'd be a change, so I was just wondering if it'd be possible.

by (440 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)

Update 2019

Starting with Adaxes 2019.2 it is possible to use mobile authenticators (e.g. Google Authenticator, Authy) as a verification step during self-password resets.



We don't have such a feature in our short-range and middle-range plans. But thanks for the suggestion, we'll keep this in mind when deciding on features for our future releases.



It's been w while ;) and I would like to raise the question again. This is already a popular standard even available in MS ADFS.
There are very often situations where e-mail as 2FA can not be accepted and GSM signal is not available due to the construction of the buildings. Could you speed up implementing a time-based authentication which would simplify the processes and increase security? Can we expect it soon? It would also raise the value of your product.

Best regards.



For now, your request regarding the time-based authentication is the only one and we will not implement the feature in the upcoming releases. Maybe, it will be addressed later in future releases.

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