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New to Adaxes and I'm working on creating Business Units. However, I noticed that when I create a new BU and select all objects in an OU for users, not all of the user objects are showing. Also, I noticed the AD tree in Adaxes is also not showing all the user objects.

The service account is currently set as a Domain Admin.

Any help with understanding why this is occurring would be greatly appreciated.


by (100 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Best answer


Check that the users in question are not added to Unmanaged Accounts. Unmamnaged user accounts are not shown and not available anywhere in Adaxes and not included into the license count, which allows you to save on license costs. For more details, see this help article: How can I check the number of users for licensing purposes?.


Excellent! Thanks for the information and the timely response, it resolved the issue.

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