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I am struggling to get Adaxes to work with Office 365. I cannot get the Azure AD module installed. I have installed both the latest full version and beta versions of the sign on assistant, but cannot get the PowerShell module installed, it get the error: "Windows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell is not supported by your version of Windows".

I am trying to install the 32bit version, the 64bit version says it is not supported by this processor type, which is expected.

OS: Windows 8 Standard 32bit SP2

by (710 points)

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by (216k points)
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You need to really check this with Microsoft support, however, as far as we understand, Windows 8 Core Edition is targeted primarily for the home market segment and contains only basic networking functionality. Most probably, it lacks some of the components that the Azure PowerShell module uses. Try a different edition of Windows. For example, we managed to successfully install it on Windows 8 Pro edition, both 64-bit and 32-bit versions.

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