0 votes
$property = "mail" # TODO: modify me
#$regex = "^[a-zA-Z0-9_.%%\-\+]+@([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+$" # TODO: modify me

# Get property value
$value = $Context.GetModifiedPropertyValue($property)

if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($value))
    return # The property wasn't changed

# Remove spaces
$value = $value.Replace(" ", ".")

# Remove dashes
$value = $value.Replace("-", ".")

# Remove underscores
$value = $value.Replace("_", ".")

# Validate property
#if ($value -notmatch $regex)
#    $Context.Cancel("The property must match the following regular expression: $regex") # TODO: modify me

# Update property value
$Context.SetModifiedPropertyValue($property, $value)
by (480 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
by (272k points)

Hello Derek,

As per our check, the script works just fine. Make sure it is executed in a Business Rule triggering Before an operation (e.g. Before creating a user, Before updating a user). Should you still have issues with the script replacing spaces and/or characters, please, provide us with all the possible details regarding the issues. If you face error messages, please, post here or send us (support[at]adaxes.com) screenshots.


I am running the rule before a user is created. if i enter test-test_test 999@test.com, i end up with test-test_test999@test.com, the dashes and underscore are still there


Hello Derek,

It looks like the issue occurs because the types of dashes and underscores in the scripts and in the property value are different. We suggest using a different approach where everything except for letters, numbers and the @ character will be replaced with a dot. If this approach meets your needs, we will provide you with the updated script.


yes can you provie a script?


Hello Derek,

Thank you for the confirmation. Find the script below. In the script, the $propertyName variable specifies the LDAP name of the property whose value will be updated.

$propertyName = "mail" # TODO: modify me

# Get property value
$value = $Context.GetModifiedPropertyValue($propertyName)

if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($value))
    return # The property wasn't changed

# Replace characters
$value = [regex]::Replace($value, "(?i)[^a-z0-9\@\.]", ".")

# Update property value
$Context.SetModifiedPropertyValue($propertyName, $value)

I ran it and it only removed space.



Hello Derek,

As per our check the script works just fine and replaces everything in the property value with dots except for English characters and the at (@) one. Are you sure you are using the new script and not the old one?


Yes i am runnign th correct script.



Still dashes and underscores:



Hello Derek,

According to the execution log, you are mail-enabling the group first and only then the script that replaces spaces and special characters is executed. You need to separate the actions into two Business Rules. Finally, you should have something like the following:

  • Business Rule triggering Before creating a group image.png
  • Business Rule triggering After creating a group image.png

Same result.


image.png image.png

test: image.png

Result: image.png


Hello Derek,

The behavior occurs because the first action in your Business Rule triggering After creating a group ( i.e. set Email to %cn%@ahfproducts.com) overrides the results of the script execution. Also, you are using a different property as alias then the one updated by the script which overrides the email property one more time after the email address is being established. You need to make sure that the script updates the very same property that is used in the establish email address action as alias and remove the first action from the Business Rule triggering After creating a group.


Thank you. I can't believe i missed that.

Works !

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