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Hi, In our system we a hybrid domain with Office365, so on prem AD accounts, O365 mailboxes with an OnPrem exchange for some legacy mailboxes.

We have a number of AD accounts that do not have mailboxes, so the Exchange properties box displays the below.


The issue is, if we need to create a mailbox for one of these accounts and someone clicks "Create Mailbox" it creates an OnPrem mailbox.

Is there a way to either hide this button and the Establish E-Mail Address or point it to a script to create a remote mailbox on O365?

We are running an older version of Adaxes and I'm building the case to update to a newer version, but in the meantime it would be nice to know, if it's an option in a newer version that's absolutely fine as well.

Thanks Gary

by (490 points)

1 Answer

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by (280k points)
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Is there a way to either hide this button and the Establish E-Mail Address or point it to a script to create a remote mailbox on O365?

There is no possibility to point the buttons to a script, however, you can hide them by disabling corresponding operations in the Web Interface settings. To do so:

  1. Launch Adaxes Web interface Customization tool.
  2. Select the Web Interface you need and activate the AD Management tab.
  3. Click Customize Operations.
  4. In the Operations list, clear the Create Mailbox and Establish E-mail Address checkboxes.
  5. Click OK twice.
  6. Before checking the changes in the Web Interface, sign out/ sign in and then refresh the page using Ctrl+F5.

if it's an option in a newer version that's absolutely fine as well.

This behavior is the same in the latest version of Adaxes.


Hi, thanks for the response worked a treat


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