0 votes

We are currently working on automating the property patterns. So far we were able to add all the needed properties to a Property Pattern via PowerShell script apart from the Value Selection for the "Exchange Mailbox Store" property.

We tried to add the "homeMDB" property in the script but were unable to add a default value of 1 Mailbox DB and the constraints that only one selection can be made (like in the screenshot).

This is what it should look like: image.png

We tried different approaches and in the code block bellow is the latest. Also we could't find any information for this in the SDK.

$DBS = @()
$DBS += "MBDB_DB1"

$item = $pattern.Items.Create()
$item.PropertyName = "homeMDB"
$item.IsPropertyRequired = $true

$constraints = $item.GetConstraints()
$constraint = $constraints.Create("ADM_PROPERTYCONSTRAINTTYPE_VALUERANGE")
$constraint.Values = $DBS

# Save the changes

The following image shows the result of the code above, which doesn't quite match the "should be" screenshot. image.png

Any help would be much appriciated.

by (60 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (286k points)
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Best answer

Hello Michael,

You need to use the following code block in your script. In the code, the $dbGUIDs variable specifies GUIDs of databases that will be available for selection.

$dbGUIDs = @("0904298E-F6B8-4BAB-8A54-1B055F0EFA98") # TODO: modify me

# Create item
$item = $pattern.Items.CreateEx("adm-MailboxStoragePropertyPatterntItem")
$item.PropertyName = "homeMDB"
$item.IsPropertyRequired = $true

$item.AllowedMailboxStorageDatabases = $dbGUIDs

# Save the changes

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