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Hi, I would need to set a random plaintext in the header of the login page of one of the contexts (via custom HTML). This plaintext must be aligned with a specific user's password at the same time. In practice, I would need to understand how to put a random attribute both in the custom header of the context and in the password of a specific user (the user is only one). This would serve as a pseudo verification code for entering in the console.

Thanks, Daniele

by (20 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)

Hello Daniele,

Unfortunately, there is no possibility to put attributes onto login pages. But, if the text and password should be static, you can generate a random password for that specific user and specify it in the top and/or bottom part of the Sing In page. For information on how to customize the page, please, have a look at step 8 of the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_WebInterfaceCustomization_CustomizeSignInPageAndLogonNameOptions.htm.

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