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We are trialing Adaxes and are wondering the following two things are possible.

Is it’s possible to have the order of Authentication methods adjusted ? Is it possible to import an existing Duo token ? or alternatively, is it possible to use a RADIUS server as an option, where the username and token/challenge response are used to grant approval ?

The reason for these questions: The order of methods because we would rather not allow others to see questions just by typing a username, it secures the questions from random people seeing them, and the second part, ours users already have a Duo token for other authentication, having them add a second token just for rare password resets would be confusing for many of them and lead to Duo lockouts.

I understand these features currently don’t look to exist, but would it be viable to add them as feature requests ?

by (70 points)

1 Answer

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by (3.6k points)


Is it’s possible to have the order of Authentication methods adjusted? Is it possible to import an existing Duo token? is it possible to use a RADIUS server as an option, where the username and token/challenge response are used to grant approval?

Unfortunately, there is no such possibility.

I understand these features currently don’t look to exist, but would it be viable to add them as feature requests?

We will consider adding these features in one of the future releases.

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