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Script repository

Update group membership based on combination of two property values

May 05, 2021 Views: 2150

The script updates group membership of a user based on a combination of two property values.


  • $firstPropertyName - Specifies the LDAP name of the first property whose values will be taken into account to update group membership.
  • $secondPropertyName - Specifies the LDAP name of the second property whose values will be taken into account to update group membership.
  • $valuesToGroupDNs - Maps values of the properties specified in the $firstPropertyName and $secondPropertyName variables with the groups a user should be added to. The user will also be removed from all the groups specified in the mapping that do not match the user property values combination.
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$firstPropertyName = "l" # TODO: modify me
$secondPropertyName = "employeeType" # TODO: modify me
$valuesToGroupDNs = @{
    "NY" = @{
        "Fulltime" = @("CN=New York Full Time,OU=Groups,DC=Domain,DC=com", "CN=New York,OU=Groups,DC=Domain,DC=com");
        "Parttime" = @("CN=New York Part time,OU=Groups,DC=Domain,DC=com", "CN=New York,OU=Groups,DC=Domain,DC=com");
    "WA" = @{
        "Fulltime" = @("CN=Washington Full Time,OU=Groups,DC=Domain,DC=com", "CN=Washington,OU=Groups,DC=Domain,DC=com");
        "Parttime" = @("CN=Washington Part time,OU=Groups,DC=Domain,DC=com", "CN=Washington,OU=Groups,DC=Domain,DC=com");
} # TODO: modify me. Example: $valuesToGroupDNs = @{"<first property value>" = @{"<second property value>" = @("<Group DN 1>", "<Group DN 2>"); "<second property value>" = @("<Group DN 1>")}}

function SearchObjects($filter)
    # Set search parameters
    $domain = $Context.GetObjectDomain("%distinguishedName%")
    $searcher = $Context.BindToObject("Adaxes://$domain/rootDSE")
    $searcher.SearchFilter = $filter
    $searcher.SearchScope = "ADS_SCOPE_SUBTREE"
    $searcher.PageSize = 500
    $searcher.ReferralChasing = "ADS_CHASE_REFERRALS_NEVER"
        # Execute search
        $searchResultIterator = $searcher.ExecuteSearch()
        $searchResults = $searchResultIterator.FetchAll()
        return ,$searchResults
        # Release resources
        if ($searchResultIterator){ $searchResultIterator.Dispose() }

function RemoveFromGroups ($groupDNsToSkip, $valuesToGroupDNs)
    $groupGuidsBytes = $Context.TargetObject.GetEx("adm-DirectMemberOfGuid")

    if ($groupGuidsBytes.Length -le 1 -and [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($groupDNsToSkip))
    # Find groups
    # Build search filter
    $filter = New-Object "System.Text.StringBuilder"
    if ($groupDNsToSkip)
        foreach ($dn in $groupDNsToSkip)
    $secondValuesInfo = $valuesToGroupDNs.Values
    $groupDNs = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
    foreach ($secondValueInfo in $secondValuesInfo)
        $secondValueInfo.Keys | %%{[void]$groupDNs.AddRange($secondValueInfo[$_])}
    foreach ($dn in $groupDNs)
    foreach ($guidBytes in $groupGuidsBytes)
        [void]$filter.Append([Softerra.Adaxes.Ldap.FilterBuilder]::Create("objectGuid", $guidBytes))
    $searchResults = SearchObjects $filter.ToString()

    if ($searchResults.Length -eq 0)

    foreach ($searchResult in $searchResults)
        # Remove user from group
        $group = $Context.BindToObjectEx($searchResult.AdsPath, $True)

        if ($group.Get("primaryGroupToken") -eq "%primaryGroupID%")


# Get property values
    $firstValue = $Context.TargetObject.Get($firstPropertyName)
    $firstValue = $NULL
    $secondValue = $Context.TargetObject.Get($secondPropertyName)
    $secondValue = $NULL

if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($firstValue) -or [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($secondValue))
    # First property and/or Second property not specified
    # Remove from all groups specified in $valuesToGroupDNs
    RemoveFromGroups $NULL $valuesToGroupDNs

# Get the DN of the group to add the user to
if (-not($valuesToGroupDNs.ContainsKey($firstValue)))
    # The First property value of the user wasn't found in $valuesToGroupDNs
    # Remove from all groups specified
    $Context.LogMessage("There is no group specified for property '$firstPropertyName' with value '$firstValue'", "Warning")
    RemoveFromGroups $NULL $valuesToGroupDNs
$secondValueInfo = $valuesToGroupDNs[$firstValue]

if (-not($secondValueInfo.ContainsKey($secondValue)))
    # The Second property value of the user wasn't found in $valuesToGroupDNs
    # Remove from all groups specified
    $Context.LogMessage("There is no group specified for property '$secondPropertyName' with value '$secondValue'", "Warning")
    RemoveFromGroups $NULL $valuesToGroupDNs
$groupDNs = $secondValueInfo[$secondValue]

# Update group membership
foreach ($dn in $groupDNs)
    $group = $Context.BindToObjectEx("Adaxes://$dn", $True)
    if (!$group.IsMember($Context.TargetObject.AdsPath))

# Remove from other groups specified in $valuesToGroupDNs
RemoveFromGroups $groupDNs $valuesToGroupDNs

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