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Adaxes blog

How to Bulk Import AD Users from CSV
How to Bulk Import AD Users from CSV

User provisioning is a tough task in any IT environment of a reasonable size. Both new employees and the IT department can suffer from time delays, human errors, overcomplicated workflows, etc. It can take up to a full working day (often even more than that) to get a new user fully set up. In bigger companies with many employees coming and going every single day it all adds up and translates to huge cost losses. Fortunately, there are ways to avoid that. And here’s how.

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Why Security and Compliance Are Very Different Things
Why Security and Compliance Are Very Different Things

Everyone who is related to security in any company understands the complexity associated with meeting all the regulations that are imposed by compliance requirements. Failing in that can lead to significant losses and other unpleasant consequences, so everybody do their best to live up to the challenge. But there is a problem with that.

Being compliant for most people means that they meet all security and safety regulations and therefore there is nothing else to worry about in terms of security. This is a common misconception that has to be eliminated. And here’s why.

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Infographics. How Adaxes Can Help Your IT Department
Infographics. How Adaxes Can Help Your IT Department

Adaxes is a powerful tool that can make the like of any IT department much easier. In this piece of infographics you'll see how it can automate user provisioning, heal your AD, free you from IT management chains, unify control and do much more to make your Active Directory environment a better place.

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Infographics. Active Directory Facts
Infographics. Active Directory Facts

Active Directory is the most used platform for IT departments of Fortune 1000 companies. Many businesses fully rely on it as a base for their IT infrastructures. In this infographics you will find out about biggest challenges that AD admins face, how are companies keeping pace with their business needs, what's the cost of keeping an IT deprtment and other interesting facts about AD.

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How to Make Your Active Directory a Safer Place
How to Make Your Active Directory a Safer Place

Being an IT admins means that you have lots of responsibilities that play a key role in keeping your company going. Making sure that your environment is secure at all times is definitely among them.

In this article we are going to discuss some often forgotten aspects that you need to look at to ensure maximum security and minimize threats.

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7 Ways to Improve Active Directory
7 Ways to Improve Active Directory

If you are reading this article, it means that you are a responsible Active Directory admin who knows that there is always a way to make your environment better, faster and more reliable. And here we will be looking at seven aspects that you can work on to improve your AD.

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Active Directory Management Is Cool Again
Active Directory Management Is Cool Again

Remember those times when your company just started to grow? Almost any modern day business began as a 5–10 people doing things they were passionate about and planning to concur if not the whole world, but at least the market they were operating in. And as the further expansion started there surely was a point at which came the understanding that the company needs its own IT system.

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The Importance of Deprovisioning in Office 365
The Importance of Deprovisioning in Office 365

You can hardly find a company that doesn’t treat provisioning procedures seriously. Usually there are lots of steps and protocols to get a new employee going. For Office 365 that includes creating account in AD, adding new accounts to all connected systems, putting all the personal data in, assigning licenses, etc.

Despite the fact that most (if not all) companies do treat these actions very seriously, at the same time almost no attention can be paid to deprovisioning, i.e. procedures executed when employees leave. This can be a very big mistake, as making sure that no longer active accounts are treated properly is equally (or sometimes even more) important as setting them up in the first place.

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How to Make Sysadmins More Human
How to Make Sysadmins More Human

If you ask an average person, what does a common sysadmin’s day look like, you will probably hear something about dealing with huge amount cables in server rooms filled with blue light or bashing out lots of hardcore code lines that result in some crazy processes that just fix all computers in the building and solve all the other problems in the company. Well, that is all nice and romantic and probably that is something that many sysadmins imagine their job would look like when they are just starting it. However, the reality is usually a bit different. Read more