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Or would the DLs have to be manually created and rules set up?

I'm starting to look into features of the product before demoing, and was hoping there was an easy answer on this one.


by (40 points)


Sorry for the confusion, but we are not sure what exactly you need to achieve. Could you, please, provide all the possible details regarding the desired behavior with live examples?


No worries. Sorry if this isn't the best place to ask about features.

Adaxes can providion mailboxes. Can it also provision other exchange objects, like DLs and Contacts?

If the anser is yes, we'd next like to know if Adaxes can provision a DL for each manger that has at least one direct report, and have it include the direct reports of that manager.

An All Reports list would be that mangers reports, and all their reports, all the way down.




Yes, it is possible. You can mail-enable groups and contacts in Exchange on-premises using the Establish email address in Exchange action in a Business Rule, Custom Command or Scheduled Task.

For us to suggest a solution for the entire workflow, please, specify how exactly a manager is determined for a group. Will it be specified during creation? Any additional details and live examples of the full desired workflow will be much appreciated.


Thanks for the reply.

I am imagining a scheduled task for each user with at least one direct report (value exists for 'directreports' property in AD for any given user) that creates a DL called 'Direct Reports - ManagerName if it does not already exist.

In powershell you'd do something like: Get-ADUser -Identity MANAGERNAME -Properties directreports | select-object -ExpandProperty DirectReports

There is also the 'manager' AD attribute.

When the scheduled task runs, it would update all existing direct reports lists, and create any missing ones (there is a new manager, etc). Idealy it can also delete such groups when the manger leaves or no longer has any reports.

Hope that makes sense.

My question about the 'all reports - managername' list would include the manager, the managers' reports, their reports, etc etc etc.

I'm still just using the demo, so I’m not expecting a full solution at this time, just wondering what Adaxes capabilities are here, since it is a common ask from our users.

Thanks, Steve



Thank you for the provided details. It can be done using a Scheduled Task and a PowerShell script. The script will check whether a user has direct reports and then create a group if required. The script will make sure that only current direct reports of the user are members of the group. If you need us to provide you with detailed instructions on applying the solution, please, specify how exactly group names should be formed and where they should be created.

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