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We are trying to accomplish supplying multiple "office" entires into AD from the create user form. We have employees that belong to multiple physical offices. Is it possible to allow for multiple selections from a drop down menu or by some other method in the form? Ultimately, we are trying to limit the typing in of office names into the form and also select multiple offices for an employee. Thanks for your assistance!

by (110 points)

1 Answer

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by (298k points)


The Office property is single-valued in AD and thus it is not possible to specify multiple values for it. As a solution, you can use one of Adaxes custom multi-valued attributes (e.g. CustomAttributeTextMultiValue1) on all the Web Interface forms and configure the attribute to be displayed as drop-down.

As Adaxes custom attributes are not available in Active Directory, you can set values of the multi-valued attribute to the Office property (e.g. add values separated by commas) using Business Rules triggering After creating a user and After updating a user. The update should be performed using a script. If this is what you need, but you have issues configuring the workflow, we will provide you with detailed instructions and the script.


I know this is an old thread but I could use that script to copy a comma seperated array of the "adm-CustomAttributeTextMultiValue1" field over to "extensionAttribute15". Thanks!

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