0 votes

We are looking to implement Self-Password reset for users through Adaxes and need the following information:

  • Is there any additional licensing costs to use the Adaxes Self-Password Reset Client?
  • What is the earliest version of Adaxes that the client is available?

Thank you in advance.

by (320 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (292k points)


Is there any additional licensing costs to use the Adaxes Self-Password Reset Client?

No, there are no additional costs.

What is the earliest version of Adaxes that the client is available?

Only the latest version of the client is available. You can download it here. The client works fine with Adaxes 2019.1 and later. If you are using an older version of Adaxes (e.g. 2017.2) you will need an older version of the client as well. If latter is the case, please, specify the version of Adaxes you are using and we will provide you with the installation file for the corresponding Self-Service Client version. For information on how to check Adaxes service version, have a look at the following help article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/?HowDoI.ManageService.CheckAdaxesServiceVersion.html.


Thank you for the quick response. This is the answer we needed.

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