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When we create a shared mailbox, we create an associated mail-enabled security group. In the security group I want to populate the description field with the name of the shared mailbox.

In my group pattern specific to an OU that contains mail-enabled security groups, I have added description with a default value of "For access to shared mailbox "%assistant%".

In the web interface I have an action called "Create New Mail-Enabled Security Group and using attribute "assistant" to search for the shared mailbox user and populating the assistant attribute. This works fine but the reference value is pulling the full DN of the shared mailbox user.

How can I get just the "name" of the shared mailbox versus the full DN?

by (120 points)

1 Answer

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by (286k points)
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The thing is that Assistant is a DN syntax property. Unfortunately, there is no possibility to obtain the name of an object specified in the property using value references. It can only be done using a PowerShell script. For example, you can use the below script in a Business Rule triggering Before creating a user. In the script:

  • $propertyToSetName - Specifies the LDAP name of the property to update (description in your example).
  • $dnPropertyName - Specifies the LDAP name of the DN syntax property storing the object whose property value should be used (assistant in your example).
  • $propertyToGetName - Specifies the LDAP name of the property whose value will be obtained from the object stored in the DN syntax property (name in your example).
  • $valueTemplate - Specifies a template for the value to be set. In the template, the {0} placeholder will be replaced with the property value of the object stored in the DN syntax property.
$propertyToSetName = "description" # TODO: modify me
$dnPropertyName = "assistant" # TODO: modify me
$propertyToGetName = "name"  # TODO: modify me
$valueTemplate = "For access to shared mailbox {0}." # TODO: modify me

# Get object name from DN property
    $objectDN = $Context.GetModifiedPropertyValue($dnPropertyName)
    $object = $Context.BindToObjectByDN($objectDN)
    $objectName = $object.Get($propertyToGetName)    

# Update the target object
$value = [System.String]::Format($valueTemplate, @($objectName))
$Context.SetModifiedPropertyValue($propertyToSetName, $value)

Thank you! Works great!

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