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We have a couple scheduled tasks that are scoped to run on all user objects across our domain to check for things like upcoming password expiration and account expiration. These tasks run every day and there are conditions set for each one to determine if any actions should be taken. Currently, an event is logged for each object every time the scheduled task is run even if the conditions in the scheduled task aren't met which is making the logs really cluttered. When the conditions aren't met/no actions are taken, we get an event that just says "No operations executed" in the execution log. Is there a way to only log events when an operation is executed?

by (320 points)

1 Answer

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by (298k points)
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Yes, it is possible. You need to disable logging scheduled tasks execution. It can only be done for all existing scheduled tasks. To disable logging the operation:

  1. Launch Adaxes Administration console.
  2. In the Console Tree, expand your service node.
  3. Right-click Logging and then click Properties in the context menu. image.png
  4. Activate the Log Settings tab.
  5. In the Do not log the following operations section, select the Execute scheduled task checkbox. image.png
  6. Click OK.

Thanks for your quick help! Will this also prevent logging for when an action is taken on an account by the scheduled task though? For example, if a scheduled task disabled an account if certain conditions are met, would that still be logged? If possible, I'd like to only disable logging if no actions are taken but still keep logging for when an action is taken.



Will this also prevent logging for when an action is taken on an account by the scheduled task though?

No, this will only disable logging the actual scheduled task execution which is performed no matter of meeting the conditions.

if a scheduled task disabled an account if certain conditions are met, would that still be logged?

Yes, it will be logged.

If possible, I'd like to only disable logging if no actions are taken but still keep logging for when an action is taken.

That is exactly what selecting the Execute scheduled task checkbox will do.


That's exactly what I needed. Thank you!

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