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I need a way to populate with a schedule task "userWorkstations" with a list of computer objects located under a specific OU. The process must not relpace values already in "userWorkstations" attribute.



by (200 points)

Hello Mic,

Do we understand correctly that you need to take all the computers located in a specific OU and add them to the userWorkstations property of all users in a certain location? If that is not correct, please, describe the desired workflow in all the possible details with live examples.



you need to take all the computers located in a specific OU and add them to the userWorkstations property --> this is right

I need to add them to the userWorkstations property of users that I pick-up from AD (can be one or several users at a time).


Hello Mic,

Sorry for the confusion, but we are not sure we understand the desired workflow. If you need a scheduled task, user will have to be predefined in the Activity Scope. It is not possible to specify the users before running a task. However, if you want to use a custom command, you will be able to select the users manually (can be one or multiple users). If using a custom command is what you need, please, specify whether the computers OU must be predefined or there should be an option for selecting it.


user will have to be predefined in the Activity Scope.

Okay this is possible, I can actually use an AD Group as Activity Scope and put the users in this group.

We need to ensure that members of this group have all computers objects that are located under a specific OU in the userWorkstations property.

1 Answer

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by (295k points)

Hello Mic,

Thank you for specifying. Have a look at the following script from our repository: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/add-computers-from-an-OU-to-user-workstations-s655.htm.

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