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Specifically I am looking to set Auto-Decline Invitations to Yes, and cancel all meetings (and use Inside My Organization reply). These appear to be new(ish) options to Adaxes and I was not able to find examples in the SDK documentation for setting these options via Powershell.

by (20 points)

1 Answer

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by (14.5k points)

Hello Brian,

Unfortunately, there are no scripts in our repository that can be used to achieve the desired. However, it can be done without scripts. To cancel all meetings organized by a user, the corresponding action can be executed in a custom command, scheduled task, or business rule. To enable the Automatically decline new invitations option, you can use the Modify Exchange properties action. The option is available on the Automatic Replies (OOF) tab. image.png

If you still need to manage the options via a PowerShell script, here are the links to the corresponding methods in our SDK:

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