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I would like to know how to connect to Azure AD using Adaxes. I've already followed the instructions to connect to AAD using an application ID for Adaxes, but how can I then reference that type of AAD connection in my Powershell script?

How am I am to view the Dynamic groups located in Azure so I can reference them in Adaxes?

I'm wanting to run a Powershell script against these Dynamic groups. How can I view a log of what is taking place as the script is executed, much like what you see in a normal Powershell command?

by (50 points)

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I've already followed the instructions to connect to AAD using an application ID for Adaxes, but how can I then reference that type of AAD connection in my Powershell script?

Have a look at the following SDK article: https://adaxes.com/sdk/CloudServicesScriptContextClass.

How am I am to view the Dynamic groups located in Azure so I can reference them in Adaxes?

There is currently no possibility to view cloud-only objects in Adaxes. the feature will be available in the next major release.

How can I view a log of what is taking place as the script is executed, much like what you see in a normal Powershell command?

Such scripts require connection to Azure AD and executing the operation there. As such the log is not available in Adaxes, only in Azure AD itself.



A version of Adaxes the supports management of Azure AD users is released. You can download it from here.

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