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We have recently migrated to Office 365 and are experiencing a few problems related to password.

When I create a user using Adaxes, Adaxes automatically send out an SMS to the new user with the username and password. However the password is not possible to use for Office 365 signon, only our local AD-network.

We have enabled Dirsync with password sync, and I have also enabled the password sync functionality in Adaxes.

If I wait a few minutes after the user is created (after the e-mail account in O365 is created), and THEN reset the password one more time, everyting works fine. The user is able to logon using both our local AD and Microsoft Online.

To me it seems like the password sync functionality of Adaxes only works when resetting a password, not setting a new during using user creation. How can we solve this problem?

Eirik Zakariassen

by (120 points)

Hello Eirik,

How are Office 365 accounts created? Do you have a Business Rule triggered after creating a user that creates an Office 365 account or create the accounts manually?



I actually have two different business rules for two different kind of users (students and teachers). Since you asked, I tried the other usertype, and that worked as expected.

The business rule for the students work as expected. It checks what the department property starts with, and activates the Office 365 account for the user based on the department. When I create a student-user, the password works with Microsoft Online directly after creation.

The business rule for the teachers however, exectutes a custom command in order to activate the Office 365 account for the user. The custom command also checks the department property, but has to do a if-statement to check different departments. It does not follow the same standard as the students department property. After creating a teacher-user, the password does not work with Microsoft Online.


Do you have any idea how I can fix the password problem for users created with a business rule that uses a custom command?

For the students it's easy creating rules for licensing etc since all students has a department that starts with "xxx students", but our academic staff doesn't have the same kind of standardization in the department or the groups they are a member of. Therefore I have created a if-statement in a custom command that checks each department. I couldn't get this to work in the business rule.



Hello Erik,

Could you post screenshots of the actions and conditions of the Custom Command and the Business Rule that you've created for teachers? Also, how is the password assigned to new users? Do your guys specify it directly on the form for creating new users or is it generated automatically, for example as a part of the Business Rule?

If you don't want to post screenshots here, you can send them to the following e-mail: support[at]adaxes.com.



The passwords are generated with the value "%adm-randomstring,8%" in the User Pattern. (by the way: is it possible to generate passwords without similar letters? I know it's possible with a custom command, but can't figure out how to do it on user creation)

The Business Rule for the teachers looks like this:

and the Custom Command like this (with a lot more if-then):

The Execution Log after user creation looks like this:


1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Best answer

Hello Eirik,

The thing is that Adaxes can retrieve a password for a user when it is set via Adaxes, that is, during the operations of creating a new user or changing a user's password. When a password is already saved in AD, it is impossible to retrieve it in Adaxes.

In your Business Rule for students, you create an Office 365 account within a Business Rule triggered upon creating a new user. In such a situation, a password can be retrieved and passed over to the Office 365 account. However, in the situation with teachers, you use a Custom Command to create an Office 365 account. Executing a Custom Command is a completely different operation than creating a new user, and thus it is impossible to retrieve the password and pass it to the Office 365 account.

Since Office 365 does not allow creating accounts without passwords, it generates a temporary password on its own, which, as you can see, is completely different from the password generated by Adaxes:

To remedy the issue, you need to move the logic for enabling the Office 365 account from the Custom Command to the Business Rule triggered after creating a user.

by the way: is it possible to generate passwords without similar letters?

It is possible to do this using a script and a Business Rule triggered after creating a user, but in this case you'll need to perform all password-related operations within the same script (such as sending an SMS message to the new user, creating the Office 365 account etc).

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