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I need to send an e-mail to the owner ("managed by") for each group. The e-mail should contain a list of group members. What is the best way to do that?

by (40 points)

1 Answer

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by (15.2k points)


To achieve the desired, you can schedule the Members of my managed groups built-in report (located in the Reports/All Reports/Groups/Membership container by default). For information on how to schedule reports, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/help/ScheduleReports.


If a user does not have access to Adaxes but still manages members of a group by company policy, we need a way to provide a list of members of all groups to their respective managers.

I was able to copy the existing "Members of my managed groups" and made the manager user selectable, but it isn't what I need.

I need a periodic report to run for all groups to send each separate manager only the members of their own managed groups via email. Possible?


Hello Neal,

If a user does not have access to Adaxes but still manages members of a group by company policy, we need a way to provide a list of members of all groups to their respective managers.

Please, clarify what is meant by the user does not have access to Adaxes. Is the user account managed in Adaxes?

I was able to copy the existing "Members of my managed groups" and made the manager user selectable, but it isn't what I need. I need a periodic report to run for all groups to send each separate manager only the members of their own managed groups via email. Possible?

There is no need to modify the built-in report to achieve the required. If the group manager account is not in the list of Adaxes unmanaged accounts and the account is specified as the group owner, you can schedule the Members of my managed groups built-in report and configure it to be delivered by email. Then add the managers as the scheduled report recipients. The report will be generated for each recipient separately and the results will depend on what groups each recipient manages. Pay attention that native Active Directory permissions are not considered in Adaxes. The report will display only objects the manager has permissions to see. By permissions here, we mean those that are granted by Adaxes security roles. image.png


our MSP manages various customer AD systems using Adaxes and many group managers are customer employees or non IT department heads responsible for allowing access to groups they are listed as managers on. Since they are non IT users, they do not log in to Adaxes to run reports because they do not and will not have access.

All users involved are managed by Adaxes, however.

I think we really need separate reports per group, where the contents are members of the group and the report is sent to the user listed as the manager of that group. Would this require a script?

Does that make sense?


Hello Neal,

If you schedule a report, there is no need for the users to sign-in to Adaxes to get the generated report. Scheduled reports are generated automatically based on the specified schedule. A scheduled report is generated for each recipient. According to the description you provided, scheduling the Members of my managed groups built-in report is exactly what is required. If you configure the scheduled report to be delivered by email, the generated report will be sent to the email address of the recipient automatically. You can also check how the report will look for a particular user by viewing the report as another user: https://www.adaxes.com/help/ViewReportAsAnotherUser. We suggest you to try scheduling a report for several test accounts to see how it works: https://www.adaxes.com/help/ScheduleReports.


Thank you. I have noticed that running as a user shows empty groups or only the user the report is viewed as. I believe this is because the Adaxes roles and permissions do not account for all domain users as having any access to read any other members.

As a test, I added one user to a read-only all domain objects for the user's domain and the report shows all members for groups that user manages.

I guess we need to carefully consider and test what minimum access is required for this.

I will do some more testing and get back to you. Thank you!

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