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I used the script below to try and accomplish this but I get an error. I did try to leave a comment but it would not let me.

I tried running the first example and I get

Exception calling "BindToObjectByDN" with "1" arguments: "Cannot parse ADsPath string." Stack trace: at GetUserSids, <No File>: line 13 at <ScrtiptBlock>,<No File>: line 13

Here is the two OU's I added to the first line: OU=05 - Service Users,DC=example,DC=local CN=Users,DC=example,DC=local


by (210 points)
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by (210 points)

Was able to fix it by adding all OU's inside the " 05 - service users" OU


Hello Raul,

Probably the issue occurred because you have specified the value of the $ouDNs variable in the script incorrectly. It has to be an array of distinguished names of Organizational Units like so:

$ouDNs = @(
    "OU=05 - Service Users,DC=example,DC=local",

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