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Would "updating a user" also be triggered when "creating a user"?

So for example, if I set a Business Rule trigger to modify a user when their user account is changed, would that rule also get triggered when an account is created?

The reason why I ask, is we are simplifying our Business Rules and Custom Commands. Having a command that would execute on creating a user and modifing would simplify our list of rules.

For reference, I tried searching for an Adaxes document that defined when any operrations would execute and I could not find one. If there is a document that covers this let me know.

by (290 points)

1 Answer

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by (284k points)


So for example, if I set a Business Rule trigger to modify a user when their user account is changed, would that rule also get triggered when an account is created?

No, business rules triggering Before/After updating a user do not fire upon user creation.

I tried searching for an Adaxes document that defined when any operrations would execute and I could not find one. If there is a document that covers this let me know.

Unfortunately, there is no such documentation.

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