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In the Adaxes GUI I see three forms of delegation:

  • Send As
  • Send on Behalf Of
  • Mailbox Rights

In the WEB GUI there are also three forms of delegation:

  • Shared Mailbox Members
  • Full Access
  • Send As

"Send As" mappes to "Send As" "Full Access" mappes to "mailbox Rights" with full access

What exactly is "Shared Mailbox Members" on the WEB? Why is "Send on Behalf Of" missing on the WEB?

-- Morten A. Steien

For reference GUI: GUI.png WEB: WEB.png

by (300 points)

1 Answer

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by (298k points)
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Hello Morten,

What exactly is "Shared Mailbox Members" on the WEB?

The feature actually comes from Exchange. Members of a shared mailbox are the ones who have Full Access and Send as rights in it.

Why is "Send on Behalf Of" missing on the WEB?

This behavior is by design. There is currently no possibility to display the Send on Behalf permissions for shared mailboxes. However, we are considering the possibility to add the feature in future releases of Adaxes.


Thank you for your answer!

Could you just clearify for Members when you say "Full Access and Send as". Do you mean those that have both or those that have any of the two accesses?


Hello Morten,

There is no direct evidence by Microsoft, but it per our experience, it is for both permissions. The following Microsoft article might be helpful: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/admin/email/create-a-shared-mailbox?view=o365-worldwide.


OK. So only those that have both Full Access AND Send As are listed. It is not enough to have only one of them. Is this correct? (I am sorry to be a stickler but you wording is till ambigous )


Hello Morten,

So only those that have both Full Access AND Send As are listed.

That is not quite right. The feature is a bit more complicated. When you add a shared mailbox member, they gain both Full Access and Send As permissions. However, if you just grant a trustee the Full Access permissions, they will also be listed as members. That is just the way Exchange works and Adaxes follows this logic.

It is not enough to have only one of them. Is this correct?

Sorry for the confusion, but we are not sure what exactly your question is about. The permissions you need to grant a user totally depend on your requirements. You do not need to orient on the members list.



Ahhh... I think I understand better now.

"Mailbox Members" is a mostly display shortcut that can be used when apliccable.

To maintain more granularity the customer has to add specific rights as "Full Access" and "Send As". The third one, which is the one they are actually asking for is "Send on Behalf Of" which is not currently available (please implement!), so I will need to add a Custom Command for that.

Thank you very much for your assistance (and patience ) with this.


+1 for the feature request of having the possibility to grant "Send on Behalf" rights from the WEB interface. Is this feature on the roadmap?



The feature is not on the roadmap yet. However, we added +1 on your behalf for it.

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