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Hi, I need business rule that will forbid changing group membership type to rule-based for selected groups.

Additionally I need PowerShell script for adding more groups to be watched by this rule.

Thanks in advance!

by (910 points)

1 Answer

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by (282k points)


I need business rule that will forbid changing group membership type to rule-based for selected groups.

Do we understand correctly that you have groups set as rule-based and want to prohibit anybody from changing the type to assigned? If that is correct, you can use a business rule like below. image.png Pay attention that the Activity Scope should include the groups themselves, not their members.

Additionally I need PowerShell script for adding more groups to be watched by this rule.

For information on how to update the Activity Scope of a business rule using scripts, have a look at the following SDK article: https://adaxes.com/sdk/DefiningScopeOfActivity.


To be more specific I want to forbid adding rule-based groups to specific group(s). But at the same time I need to forbid changing already added groups (even nested ones!) to rule-based group. So I assume I will have to use something like image.png But I am unsure what should goes to the right side of the equals operator?

And then scope this rule to group and its members (so even nested groups cannot be rule-based)? image.png



To be more specific I want to forbid adding rule-based groups to specific group(s).

In this case, you need to use a business rule like the following: image.png In the condition, use the below script:

$Context.ConditionIsMet = $False

# Get member group type
if ("%adm-MemberObjectType%" -eq "group")
    $member = $Context.BindToObject("Adaxes://%member%")
    $memberGroupType = $member.MembershipType

$Context.ConditionIsMet = $memberGroupType -eq 1

But at the same time I need to forbid changing already added groups (even nested ones!) to rule-based group.

There is no need to do anything about that. It is not possible to add members to rule-based groups manually. They will only be added automatically based on the rules you specify.



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