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Hello, I'm trying to automate a workflow to create service accounts, however I'm struggling to find a way to accomplish this.

My goal is to create a user that has an associated property pattern and business rule. The initiator selects the user who is making the request, and the new account information is sent via email to them after account creation.

Example: Select the person who requested the account Create user w/ custom form Property pattern applies Make changes as needed Complete user creation Email is sent to requestor with username and password

I've also tried to do this with a custom command instead of the create user action to no avail.

Any advice appreciated!

by (320 points)

did you ever resolve this, if so how did you manage it?


Not directly but support was able to advise of a workaround. See the response question here:



In short I relabeled the secretary property in Adaxes to be "Requester" instead so I could accomplish this.

1 Answer

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by (284k points)


To achieve the desired, you can use the Copy user Web interface action. For details on working with actions, see https://www.adaxes.com/help/ConfigureActionsPane. For your information, property patterns must be assigned over an OU or container to work upon user creation. As for the email notification, it can be sent in a business rule triggering After creating a user.

Replace Fields from Copy Action
Which property to use to send email to?

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