We are attempting to update from 2021.1 version 3.14.20916.0 to the most current version - 3.14.21404.0.
We have two servers in a multiserver configuration once of which we have backed up the config and uninstalled Adaxes from in order to proceed with the upgrade.
When we attempted to install the new version, however, we received this error:

The two current servers recently replaced two older Adaxes servers and it appears that the original servers may not have been deprovisioned properly.
Following the directions in this thread from support and the OP we were able to seize the roles (schema master and naming master) for the one, primary server that is still running.
We attempted the installation again, however, we received a different error:
When specifying the Adaxes server to share the config with we're shown the correct server, however, when we go to click "Next" the Adaxes Service reverts to the previous server that no longer exists and displays the error.