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Hi All,

I am currently using the 30 day free trial of Adaxes and seeing if we can use it to achieve our method of user provisioning.

I am looking into server-side scripting and i wonder if anyone can help me.

I want to achieve the following: -

  1. New user created
  2. Powershell script runs after creation

I want the powershell to achieve the following: -

  1. Pull the newly created users employeeID
  2. Pass that employeeID value to a powershell variable
  3. Use that variable value within an SQL query

Can this be achieved?

Any help is much appreciated, Thanks

by (40 points)

1 Answer

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by (298k points)

Hello Lewis,

Yes, it is possible. You can use the below code in your script to obtain the employeeID property value. It will be saved to the $employeeID variable. The script should be executed in a business rule triggering After creating a user.

    $employeeID = $Context.TargetObject.Get("employeeID")
    $employeeID = $NULL


Thanks for your input.

I have put together a PowerShell script which uses the code you have suggested (see below)

Import-Module Adaxes
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$databaseHost = ""
$databaseName = ""

$databaseUsername = ""
$databasePassword = ""

employeeNumber = $Context.TargetObject.Get("EmployeeID")

When running the script from a created business rule, i get the following error:-

'employeeID' found in expression: $employeeID is not defined

This suggests that the $context.targetObject.get code isn't working, as the variable is empty.

Please advise


Hello Lewis,

The code works perfectly fine. How exactly did you execute the script? Was it in Windows PowerShell? Please, describe the workflow you configured in all the possible details with screenshots. If you cannot post screenshots here, please, send them to us at support@adaxes.com.



I have created a new Business Rule to run a powershell script after successful user creation (see below) BusinessRule.png

This Busniess Rule has the script within it that i wish to run (see below) ScriptInAdaxes.png

On creating the user (which appears in AD) i get the following error (see below) Error.png

Any help is much appreciated. Thanks


Hello Lewis,

The error is not related to the code we provided. As you can see from the error, it is about the query you make. Most probably, the variable is not passed properly. Unfortunately, we cannot be more specific as it is almost impossible to see the script in your screenshot.



Just to let you know that i have now got it working. I had forgotten to change a variable name that passes the employeeID as part of the SQL query.

Thanks for all your help in this matter. Lewis

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